lehenengo sarrera

Azken aldian josi ta josi nabil. Neretzat, nere haurrentzat, lagunentzat, eta hurrengo proiektua senarrarentzat. Askok esan didate blog bat sortu beharko nuela, eta beldurra ematen zidan, iya lan gehiago emango didan, baina ezin izan dut aguantatu eta hemen duzue, nere josketen blog-a. Poliki poliki hasiko naiz iada josiak ditudan gauzatxoak igotzen eta proiektu berriak aipatzen. Ikusiko dugu nola moldatuko naizen. I've been sewing a fair bit lately. For myself, my kids, my friends, and my next project is my husband. I've been told to start a blog but although I was worried that it would be more work, I couldn't help myself and there you go, my sewing blog. I'll start uploading the things I've already sewn little by little and I'll comment on my new projects. Let's see how I manage it.