Udako azken kamixa- last top for summer

www.rumsespana.blogspot.com Rums-ean estrenatzen... Iya lortzendugun! Kamixa frexko bat BEHAR nuen uda bukatzeko. Josten hasi naizenetik behar haundiak ditudala uste dut. Hau faena! Lasai askoan bizi nintzen, ba, ni ;-) Tela hau txuri eta beige marraduna da, haur txikientzat erabiltzen dena. Ezin haunditu ariko naiz! Beti bezela sinplea baño detalletxo batzukin. Eskotea eta botoiak. Ti-ta egin dut, agian patroia errepikatu beharko dut jeje! Tela: Marina Patroia: inprobisatua I really NEEDED this last fresh top for summer. Ever since I started sewing I seem to have a lot of needs. Wasn't I better off before? ;-) This fabric is a white and beige stripped one that's usually used for little kids. Troubles to grow up? As usual it's simple but with a couple of little details. In this case it was the cleavage and the buttons. I made it so quickly that I may have to make another one haha! Fabric: Marina Pattern: improvised