Nezesertxoa- a little toilettery bag

Osteguna da ta ni rums -ik gabe!!! Hain goiz iluntzen du, ze ez dut lortzen argazkirik atetzea. Asteburuan aprobetxatu beharko dut. Baina rums-ik gabe ez gelditzeko mini-josketa bat erakusten dizuet. It's Thursday and I don't have a rums !!! It goes dark so early that I don't manage to take any photos of the clothes, I'll have to do it on the weekend. So, at least to make it to rums, I'll show you a mini project. Boltsan gauza denak boteak nituen, eta azkenean nazkatu ta nezesertxo bat egin dut. Josketa express! Asko pentsatu gabe, patroirik gabe, al tun-tun, eta sumatzen da. Poktsikoak haundiagoak egingo nituzke eta beste bat ere jarri. Bueno, hurrengorako. I had lots of things thrown all over my handbag, so I got sick of it and I made a little toilettery bag. Without giving it much thought, with no pattern and sewing quickly, and you can definitely tell! I would have made the pockets bigger and an extra one as well. Well, next time. Te...