Gabonetan Australiatik bueltan Malasian egin genuen geldialdia eta goiz oso bat pasa nuen telen kalean Pretty Woman bezela, eskuak poltsez beteta nituela. Esperientzia izugarria izan zen! Dendan sartu orduko langile bat nere atzetik etortzen zen, eta edozein gauza behar nuenean hor zeuden neri laguntzeko, baina molestatu gabe. Neri ez zait normalean gustatzen dendetan jarraitzea baina bi aukera nituen, inkomodo egotea edo ohitu eta disfrutatzea. Bigarrena egin nuen eta ederki pasa nuen! On the way back from Australia this Christmas we had a stop-over in Malaysia, and I spent a whole morning fabric shopping, feeling like Pretty Woman. It was a great experience! As soon as I went in the shop I had a shop assistant following me, to help me with everything I needed but without bothering me. I don't usually like having people following me but I had two options, to feel uncomfortable or to get used to it and enjoy the experience. I chose the second option and I loved it! ...