Nezesertxoa- a little toilettery bag

Osteguna da ta ni rums-ik gabe!!! Hain goiz iluntzen du, ze ez dut lortzen argazkirik atetzea. Asteburuan aprobetxatu beharko dut. Baina rums-ik gabe ez gelditzeko mini-josketa bat erakusten dizuet. 

It's Thursday and I don't have a rums!!! It goes dark so early that I don't manage to take any photos of the clothes, I'll have to do it on the weekend. So, at least to make it to rums, I'll show you a mini project.

Boltsan gauza denak boteak nituen, eta azkenean nazkatu ta nezesertxo bat egin dut. Josketa express! Asko pentsatu gabe, patroirik gabe, al tun-tun, eta sumatzen da. Poktsikoak haundiagoak egingo nituzke eta beste bat ere jarri. Bueno, hurrengorako.

I had lots of things thrown all over my handbag, so I got sick of it and I made a little toilettery bag. Without giving it much thought, with no pattern and sewing quickly, and you can definitely tell! I would have made the pockets bigger and an extra one as well. Well, next time.

Tela lagun baten amak eman zidan, muestrario batekoak dira. Eta notoia lankide batek emana, bere amak mertzeria itxi zuenekoa. 

I got this piece of fabric from a friend's mum, it's from a sample chart, and the button's from a colleague. She had lots of left-overs when her mum closed down her haberdashery. 

Ze poxa ematen duten dohainik diten josketak ;-)

I love free sewing projects! ;-)


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