Motxila, kartera, nezeserra...

Orain konbentzitu naizela polipiel-a gorroto dudala, motxila, kartera, tarjeteroa eta nezeserra egin ditut, sobra denak erabiliz.

Now that I convinced myself that I hate sewing fake leather, I made a backpack, a toilettery bag, a purse and a card holder, to use the left-over pieces of fabric.

Egia esan, ondo ateratzen denean emaitza oso polita gelditzen da.

Really, when it comes out well it´s very beautiful.

Motxilan barruan bost poltsiko egin dizkiot, oso ondo etortzen dira-eta. Bi kremallerekin eta beste hiru gainetik josiak.

I put five pockets on the inside, as they are always handy, two of those with zippers and the rest sewed from the top.

Goiko zuloa oso haundia gelditzen zen, eta gainera pentsatzen ari nintzen horrelako itxitura bat egitea, orduan bukatu ondoren josi diot. Ez da hain ondo gelditu, nahiago izango nuen hasieratik josia izatea, baina polipiela des-jostea ez zait batere gustatzen. Eta gainera ez baduzu barrura begiratzen ez da ikusten. Ba hori, ez barrura begiratu! Hor gordetzen ditugu gure cagadak!

The top opening was pretty big, and I was looking into doing something like that, so I put the fabric bit after I finished the bag. Just a shame, because it was all nice and clean looking on the inside, and now you can see it was sewn on afterwards. But I guess no-one needs to look inside, right? That's where all the mistakes hide.

PATROIA/PATTERN: lauki bat besterik ez da! It's just a square!
TELA/FABRIC: Leroy Merlin

Azken Rums-a oporrak baino lehen.
Last Rums before the holidays!


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